Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A wise young man said to me not too long ago "its a conscious decision we make to love someone, to wake up every morning and decide to love that day." if he read this he would gloat endlessly to this admission. A part of me wants to put this to the test. My typical morning starts with me grudgingly getting out of bed but quickly pulling myself outta it and thanking God for the day that He has made that i will rejoice in. This i do everyday and the rest of the day flies by many times without the rejoicing i promise to do

i feel like i'm stuck in a rant, a continuous spell of monotony that i need to break and this i keep promising myself to do every single day but....

This blog post today is a form of release. I woke up happy and it slowly faded. My road rage quickly shifted from 10 to 100 in seconds but i am making a conscious decision to have a good day, to let things that would ordinarily ruffle my feathers slide and to fight off any stress induced migraines...do i hear an amen?

Rugaju you would be proud

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