I have for long waited for someone to come up and address this issue that i think has been over shadowed by everyone that matters in this particular field. I wud have had this bone picked thru the press by havin't published but there's no guarantee that this won't end up in the dicard bin. In an article in yesterday's New vision....i forget his name started out to adress the issue but his focus lay more with the subsidization of the education sector thru tax cuts on building materials and payment of teachers which drifted away from the aspect that was aching me.
It has come to the realization of many that the world as it is is very dynamic and competitive and that to cope the labour market shud be armed with the right artillery in terms of skills. It no longer pays to simply be book smart. With all this highlighted why is the education system still relying on a seemingly colonial if not pre colonial curriculum..... forgive the beef. Till this day someone needs to explain to me y the dichotomous Key in biology was shoved down my throat yet my love for the Arts, that by form 3 i knew i was cut out for, was being surpressed. In my honest opinion, much as i give credit to the fact that many once conventional Ugandans are finally thinkin ooutside the box and embracing the fact it being glued behind a desk does not translate into success or a vulgar bank account. Lets face it the underlying reason for sliding thru the education system's to beable to get a 'job', make money and all that follows suit in watever order it does/
On Sunday afternoon i was engaged in a conversation in which one of the parties rremarked that this generation is largely dense..... his opinion not mine incase it sparks off an unintentional debate. This came from the dissection of Tom Rush who was said to be an Surgeon by profession , a pilot, a fun of the arts and a writer. This was amazxing for someone who marjority of us only knew of his sunday entries in the New Vision. Sad that it took his death for me to know of this and appreciate even more the man that was. I was also told of a teacher at a seminary a long time ago that was a historian by learning but taught Applied mathematics cos thats where his passion lay. Admit it how many of our generation embrace learning , fall in love with it and translate every last bit, incorporating it in their every day lives that it slides off their lips with ease when suited? I know of many that easily quote lines from their favourite poems that they probably last read in high school like it was jus yesterday. Shameful as it is i slid thru most of my school years n other than certificates to show for't i wish i had maximized every last bit of it. i like engaging in a learned conversation if i may call it that, and have something to contribute to it. I once bumped into a friend who during our lengthy conversation said he was tired of pretty girls whose conversation is limited to nice shoes, latest designer handbags, where the party's at.... I shud check up on him to find out his progress in line with that particular issue.
What happened to all the ambition? As i said m glad people r starting to think outside the box. Lets face it the labour market is constantly changing and so are its demands. This therefore means that skills that were most required 10 years ago won't cut it now. The competiveness is crazy and whether or not we want to admit it we have to step up to the challenge or we will be completely submerged. As opposed to continously gloryfying the 'professional ' courses that have produced multitudes still in search of employment becos the absorptive capacity of the market is over stretched y not move towards empowerment in form of skills that enhance innovation as opposed to dependence on hand me downs. It nolonger pays to simpkly be book smart, it needa to be combined with street smart wat we choose'ta call hustling to beat this game on our terms!
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1 comment:
my dear my father who is an agriculturalist riling off literature books let alone quoting them in day to day conversations like he taught literature its sad but i admit it we are DENSE!SO from today am reading intelligent stuff!
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